
Low Tech Tools
Low tech tools comes in many forms, and does not require a electrical power to function. Low tech communication can include photographs, picture boards, and sign language. Communication books is a great example of a low tech tool because it requires no batteries and is portable. Communication books comes in a variety of forms depending on the user's age, cognitive and physical abilities and their interest. The book provide pages of symbols and words that are usually organized by topics. For example, book used by an AAC adult speaker would have relevant vocabularies for going to work, meetings, or shopping. Communication books can be customized by the user and organized in any manner such as "frequently used phrase" or "I feel" page. Since communication books are portable, students who use it may find it comfortable using it in the classroom and carrying it to school. It is not clunky like a computer and working in groups with other students would be easier.
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High Tech Tools
Access or accessibility refers to an AAC user's ability and /or method of using an ACC tool/aid. Being able to access or use any AAC system is important whether it is low tech or high tech input device. Input devices are physical tools such as a keyboard, pointer or joystick that can be used by the user to make a selection. Input devices comes in many forms, meeting the needs of the user. Joy sticks, such as the one pictured to the right, has additional buttons that can be customized to the user's preference. Another example of a hardware device are switches. Switches are like buttons where the user can make a selection by pressing a button. Selection switches can also work by body and eye movement.
Hi tech tools can include eye gaze systems, or any form of voice output communication aids or VOCAs for short. An example of a high tech tool is a dynamic screen VOCA. Dynamic screens displays images on a display instead of paper sheets. An advantage of a VOCA with a display is, the ability to store many "pages" digitally and being able to turn to pages with a push of a button or tab. Some high tech tools even goes beyond images, some tools have additional features such as a built in music player, internet access and email. Just like the communication book, VOCA aids with dynamic screens would work the same a classroom setting. The only difference is the user's personal interaction with the aid.

A software such as Say-it! SAM by Words + is a great software for computer AAC users. This software can be installed on many devices ranging from tablets, laptops, and computer desktops. Whats great about this software is a feature that uses real-time word completion and word prediction. The software keeps track of most frequently use words and always adjusting to the user. The software also combines both dynamic graphic interface with pictures, texts and a intelligent keyboard interface allowing the user to communicate in a variety of ways.
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